
He Threw Rocks at a Toddler

...and more highlights of the low life, business dealings and policies of Donald Trump At several of his rallies, Donald Trump walks to the side of the stage and, smiling smiling smiling, enfolds the American flag in his arms. Question: Is he embracing the flag in patriotic fervor, or is he humping it in a… Continue reading He Threw Rocks at a Toddler


Music’s Exquisite Triggers

Why Do I Like the Music I Like? I asked myself that question recently. My answer was like yours probably: “Duh, who cares, what’s the problem?”  I was sampling cuts on a new album from Lucinda Williams, liking some songs, not others, and wondered: what am I responding to? Are there hidden triggers? Certain families… Continue reading Music’s Exquisite Triggers


Books: How Do You Prefer Your Jesus Story: Despairing or Dingbatty?

I recently read two novels, back to back, that deal with the story of Jesus. They were so wildly different in tone and style that I got a bit of New Testament whiplash. Lamb is narrated by Biff, Jesus’ best friend. Biff has the hots for Jesus’ mother, Mary, who’s considered crazy by many others… Continue reading Books: How Do You Prefer Your Jesus Story: Despairing or Dingbatty?


The Covenant of the Ark: Your Questions Answered

Q. My financial success depends directly on fossil fuel production as well as the stability of the markets. I have children, with grandchildren on the way. I experience periodic guilt, knowing that my quarterly reports are flushing their future down the crapper. Can the Covenant help? A. It sure can! By investing in the Covenant… Continue reading The Covenant of the Ark: Your Questions Answered